I know I’m not the only one who seems to get around to solitude, creativity, and recharging only after all the “serious work” is done (i.e., never, in some cases). What if you broke your Dig Deep button and put coming alive first?
I know I’m not the only one who seems to get around to solitude, creativity, and recharging only after all the “serious work” is done (i.e., never, in some cases). What if you broke your Dig Deep button and put coming alive first?
Have you ever been so tired, you find yourself wailing despairingly, “I just want to go to bed!” …when you’re already on your way there?
It’s a year ago today that I gathered the last few things out of my office, took my name plate off the door, and walked out for the last time–a free woman. Here’s the secret most people won’t tell you: exciting = terrifying + awesome.
Once upon a time (a.k.a. this morning), I woke up feeling grumpy, anxious, and overwhelmed. (Also, fat and whiny–just to complete the picture.) Around 9:00, the phone rang…
I sat at my beige desk, surrounded by beige walls and beige bookcases. The ceiling vent inexorably blew cold air on my neck, as it had every day for four years. I felt the beginnings of my daily boredom headache taking root as the afternoon stretched on, snagged and stuck on the eternal 2:33 pm.
I stood frozen, watching the car speed toward me. It was a deer-in-the-headlights moment: I knew I had to get out of the way, but there I stood, rooted to the spot as the car got closer.
I’m afraid of lots of things: car accidents, getting mugged, running out of money, being laughed at, getting rejected, failing. I’m kind of used to those fears. But this was something different.
What would you do if you had millions? No need to wait–here’s how to start doing it now.
I’ve spent the past year in a life experiment. Usually I play it safe; this time, I decided to follow my dreams. Here’s what I’ve learned.
A lot of people are unsatisfied with their lives. The big question is: can we really change our lives, and will it really be any better if we do? Over the past year, my life has been a grand experiment to answer this question. Here’s what I’ve found.
We know nothing is likely to change unless we act… yet we keep putting it off. It’s too hard, too scary. Maybe tomorrow we’ll figure it out. That’s how it is when you’re stuck. If you wouldn’t want to live your last year as you are now, help is on the way.
If anyone else out there is feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just plain tired, don’t do like I did and wait until you’re so fried you can’t function. Take a few days off. And above all, listen to yourself! What’s the point of giving yourself great advice if you don’t take it?