You are being unrealistic. Tedium is part of adulthood.

how to get unstuck movie--screen capture

We know nothing is likely to change unless we act… yet we keep putting it off. It’s too hard, too scary. Maybe tomorrow we’ll figure it out. That’s how it is when you’re stuck. If you wouldn’t want to live your last year as you are now, help is on the way.

You are not a dumbass

A man--repeating his mistakes?

Wondering what’s wrong with you? If I learned anything in all the interviews I did for Beyond Fear, it’s that nobody has it all together. Everybody struggles, everybody doubts, nobody knows all the answers.

10 Mental quicksand pits and how to get unstuck

a small toy soldier is stuck in quicksand

We all feel stuck from time to time. Here are a few patterns I’ve noticed about being stuck and how to extricate yourself.