Overcoming Post-Holiday Blargh1

A dog feels the letdown after tearing all the stuffing out of a new toy.

Some people spring into the new year, filled with energy and resolutions, ready to take on the world. I am not one of those people. If you’re not either, here’s what I’ve found that helps.

You are being unrealistic. Tedium is part of adulthood.

how to get unstuck movie--screen capture

We know nothing is likely to change unless we act… yet we keep putting it off. It’s too hard, too scary. Maybe tomorrow we’ll figure it out. That’s how it is when you’re stuck. If you wouldn’t want to live your last year as you are now, help is on the way.

10 Mental quicksand pits and how to get unstuck

a small toy soldier is stuck in quicksand

We all feel stuck from time to time. Here are a few patterns I’ve noticed about being stuck and how to extricate yourself.

How Adam Baker paid off $18,000 in debt: an interview

The Baker family with their RV

Money can be one of the most stressful things in the world. After I quit my job, I started worrying more about money. I have my freedom fund to live off of–it’s not that I’m broke–but it still makes me kind of nervous not to have that cash infusion I […]

Obsessions and Love Potion: How I’ve Almost Ruined My Life (Again)

"love hate" and an arrow (this way!) written on a sidewalk

You’re overwhelmed, overbooked, overstretched. It feels like there’s no time to exercise or rest or do anything fun, yet you know those are the things that recharge you and make it possible to do the things you need to do. What do you do?

Stop letting fear hold you back and start doing what you want.

Overcome fear and follow your dreams.

Anything worthwhile that you can do, will likely scare you. You probably woke up today wanting more. But something got in your way, didn’t it? Fear. It’s time to overcome fear and start controlling your own life.

What’s holding you back?

A guy climbs over a barbed wire fence.

Many people have told me they wish they could quit their jobs like I have. Most think it takes magic or special advantages to do that–not true! Here’s the real story on how I followed my dreams, and you can, too.