Let go and do more: One piece of the puzzle

overcome sadness and learn how to feel better

When you fight against yourself, you’re guaranteed to lose. Here’s one way to stop struggling against yourself and your feelings.

Taking off the mask I didn’t even know I was wearing

Live life to the fullest by overcoming fear: take off your mask!

I pride myself on being real, but I feel like I’ve been putting on a false front here lately. It’s made it impossible for me to work. I’m tired of being afraid, so today I spill all.

Overcoming Post-Holiday Blargh1

A dog feels the letdown after tearing all the stuffing out of a new toy.

Some people spring into the new year, filled with energy and resolutions, ready to take on the world. I am not one of those people. If you’re not either, here’s what I’ve found that helps.

You are not a dumbass

A man--repeating his mistakes?

Wondering what’s wrong with you? If I learned anything in all the interviews I did for Beyond Fear, it’s that nobody has it all together. Everybody struggles, everybody doubts, nobody knows all the answers.

Dear media, hands off my gravy before I hurt you

The table is set for a delightful feast

Why is it that everywhere I look, there’s a magazine, newspaper, or website trying to tell me to restrain myself this Thanksgiving? If I sign a waiver conceding that I’ll probably die very soon, fat, ugly, and alone, will they get off my case?

10 Mental quicksand pits and how to get unstuck

a small toy soldier is stuck in quicksand

We all feel stuck from time to time. Here are a few patterns I’ve noticed about being stuck and how to extricate yourself.

What if you just did what you wanted?

Have you ever loved something so much, you let it take over your whole life? It’s a tricky balance: to be really great at something, you need to devote a ton of energy to it. But if you do too much, you burn yourself out. Where do you draw the line?

Obsessions and Love Potion: How I’ve Almost Ruined My Life (Again)

"love hate" and an arrow (this way!) written on a sidewalk

You’re overwhelmed, overbooked, overstretched. It feels like there’s no time to exercise or rest or do anything fun, yet you know those are the things that recharge you and make it possible to do the things you need to do. What do you do?

Doing what needs to be done + last call

my cabin in the woods

If anyone else out there is feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just plain tired, don’t do like I did and wait until you’re so fried you can’t function. Take a few days off. And above all, listen to yourself! What’s the point of giving yourself great advice if you don’t take it?