Why is it that everywhere I look, there’s a magazine, newspaper, or website trying to tell me to restrain myself this Thanksgiving? If I sign a waiver conceding that I’ll probably die very soon, fat, ugly, and alone, will they get off my case?
Why is it that everywhere I look, there’s a magazine, newspaper, or website trying to tell me to restrain myself this Thanksgiving? If I sign a waiver conceding that I’ll probably die very soon, fat, ugly, and alone, will they get off my case?
We all feel stuck from time to time. Here are a few patterns I’ve noticed about being stuck and how to extricate yourself.
I’ve noticed a funny thing since I’ve been working for myself: Telling myself I have to do something is the surest way to make sure I won’t want to do it.
Have you ever loved something so much, you let it take over your whole life? It’s a tricky balance: to be really great at something, you need to devote a ton of energy to it. But if you do too much, you burn yourself out. Where do you draw the line?
If anyone else out there is feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just plain tired, don’t do like I did and wait until you’re so fried you can’t function. Take a few days off. And above all, listen to yourself! What’s the point of giving yourself great advice if you don’t take it?
In the end, the other people were the best part of the World Domination Summit.
Are you stressed out? Have you been saying yes to too many things, biting off more than you can chew, juggling faster and faster, freaking out? This may not cure it, but you’ll feel better.
Think about having a peaceful, calm, quiet existence. You don’t worry about money, you don’t have to struggle to find the thing your need, and you don’t have to waste energy looking at messes or excess stuff. Above all, you have time to breathe, time to think, time to relax, time to space out, time to be.
If you could do anything in the world today, what do you want most of all to do?
Everybody’s talking about confronting your fear head-on and jumping out of planes. What to make of someone advising the opposite?
Do you ever wish you could see into the future and know how things will turn out, so you can stop throwing energy at things that aren’t going to amount to anything?
I’ve long struggled with trying to find meaning and purpose in my life. Why am I here? What’s most important? What should I be striving for? During the religious times, add “what does God want me to do?”