Tolstoy famously said “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” I disagree. Most people are unhappy in the same ways, and it’s mostly due to making the same few mistakes.
Tolstoy famously said “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” I disagree. Most people are unhappy in the same ways, and it’s mostly due to making the same few mistakes.
Know what you need to do but can’t make yourself get to work? Here’s how to beat procrastination, get things done, and start enjoying your work.
Do you ever wish you could see into the future and know how things will turn out, so you can stop throwing energy at things that aren’t going to amount to anything?
What would make your life something to savor? What would make you feel like a genius of life-rocking awesomeness? If you knew you were dying, you would do whatever it took to make it happen. Well, guess what? We’re all dying.
After the holidays, returning to work and all the ordinary routines can feel a year’s life force is sucked away every morning you walk in the office door. That feeling sucks, but it can be channeled into a good opportunity to re-evaluate your life.
Sometimes I just want to stay home on the couch, or go back to bed. I feel like everything is gray. Here are some of the best ways to feel better fast.
For each of us, it comes down to being a cog/zombie or figuring out who we are and who we want to become, then becoming that. Nobody wants to write, or read, or live Tales from the Rut.
Is there something you’ve always wanted to do? Something grand and ambitions? Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a book, or build an airplane, or hike the Appalachian Trail. It’s huge, life-changing even, and you’ve known for a long time that you want to do it, but you haven’t done it. Here’s how to change that.
A lot of people think intelligence, or innate talent, is responsible for success. It seems to make sense, right? But actually, that’s not quite true. It’s the people who keep growing that come up with the best ideas and are willing to take the risk of trying something new. There […]
Do you have a hard time getting things done, or even started? Do you give yourself a lot of excuses for why? I do. It’s come to my attention that I have a lot of excuses for why I don’t/ won’t/ didn’t get something done, and they all come down […]
I talk a lot on this blog about how to be happy, but there are some people who really aren’t happy unless they have something to complain about. So, here’s one for them.