Doing what needs to be done + last call

my cabin in the woods

If anyone else out there is feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just plain tired, don’t do like I did and wait until you’re so fried you can’t function. Take a few days off. And above all, listen to yourself! What’s the point of giving yourself great advice if you don’t take it?

What’s holding you back?

A guy climbs over a barbed wire fence.

Many people have told me they wish they could quit their jobs like I have. Most think it takes magic or special advantages to do that–not true! Here’s the real story on how I followed my dreams, and you can, too.

Why Denzel Washington told Penn grads to fail (and why we should, too)


“I had to come exactly because I might make a fool of myself,” said Washington. “I’ve found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks. Nothing.”

6 Common mistakes that can ruin your relationship

Two tense people having it out

Tolstoy famously said “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” I disagree. Most people are unhappy in the same ways, and it’s mostly due to making the same few mistakes.

Productivity for procrastinators: how to focus

An elaborate to-do list

Know what you need to do but can’t make yourself get to work? Here’s how to beat procrastination, get things done, and start enjoying your work.

Sucking the marrow out of minimalism, doing nothing, and becoming the New Weird

A man doing nothing

Think about having a peaceful, calm, quiet existence. You don’t worry about money, you don’t have to struggle to find the thing your need, and you don’t have to waste energy looking at messes or excess stuff. Above all, you have time to breathe, time to think, time to relax, time to space out, time to be.

10 Tips for Getting Out of Your Own Way

You want to do something, but… you put it off, you think about all the things that could go wrong, maybe you talk yourself out of trying at all. If you would just get out of your own way, imagine what you could accomplish! Here are 10 tips to help.