Want to follow your dreams? Here’s what I’ve learned from an experimental year.

Birds fly in front of a gorgeous sunrise

A lot of people are unsatisfied with their lives. The big question is: can we really change our lives, and will it really be any better if we do? Over the past year, my life has been a grand experiment to answer this question. Here’s what I’ve found.

Stop letting fear hold you back and start doing what you want.

Overcome fear and follow your dreams.

Anything worthwhile that you can do, will likely scare you. You probably woke up today wanting more. But something got in your way, didn’t it? Fear. It’s time to overcome fear and start controlling your own life.

Doing what needs to be done + last call

my cabin in the woods

If anyone else out there is feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just plain tired, don’t do like I did and wait until you’re so fried you can’t function. Take a few days off. And above all, listen to yourself! What’s the point of giving yourself great advice if you don’t take it?

What’s holding you back?

A guy climbs over a barbed wire fence.

Many people have told me they wish they could quit their jobs like I have. Most think it takes magic or special advantages to do that–not true! Here’s the real story on how I followed my dreams, and you can, too.

It’s time for a new adventure

A pea plant grows despite numerous obstacles trying to hold it back

Fear is the common enemy that unites us. It’s time to break its hold. Just think about the great things you could be doing if you weren’t afraid. Then multiply that by everyone here at 17000 Days. If we took fear out of the equation and every one of us started doing the things we’re best and most passionate at, imagine what a difference we’d make in the world!

Big dreams and scary leaps: How I quit my job

triumphant girl

This is a story about dreaming big. This is a story about taking a chance and growing into the person you need to be to make things happen.