How to cure your daily boredom headache

For each of us, it comes down to being a cog/zombie or figuring out who we are and who we want to become, then becoming that. Nobody wants to write, or read, or live Tales from the Rut.

Life Guides: Ash Ambirge of The Middle Finger Project

The best way I’ve found to do that is to do work that is interesting and meaningful to me, work I love. I just need to figure out how to support myself while doing that. That’s why I’m so excited to feature someone who can offer guidance on this very thing: Ash Ambirge of The Middle Finger Project.

How to do something big

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do? Something grand and ambitions? Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a book, or build an airplane, or hike the Appalachian Trail. It’s huge, life-changing even, and you’ve known for a long time that you want to do it, but you haven’t done it. Here’s how to change that.

Five simple steps to making your dreams come true

A few weeks back, I wrote a post about big dreams. Dreams are important—they can give us direction and hope, something to work toward. If you don’t know what you want to do, check out that post for a few suggestions on figuring it out. But dreams can only take […]

Cynicism and changing the world

Yesterday’s post generated some really great discussion about optimism. This is a subject with a lot of strong opinions! Most people wrote very thoughtful and interesting insights, but what struck me was the tone of scorn in a few of the pessimists’ comments, and the slight defensiveness in a few […]

How to find your passion

Do you ever wonder what you’re really doing here on this planet, or more accurately, what you’re supposed to be doing? Do you envy the people who just seem to know, and are already doing what they’re clearly meant to do? There aren’t a lot, but they’re out there. They […]