Obsessions and Love Potion: How I’ve Almost Ruined My Life (Again)

"love hate" and an arrow (this way!) written on a sidewalk

You’re overwhelmed, overbooked, overstretched. It feels like there’s no time to exercise or rest or do anything fun, yet you know those are the things that recharge you and make it possible to do the things you need to do. What do you do?

Stop letting fear hold you back and start doing what you want.

Overcome fear and follow your dreams.

Anything worthwhile that you can do, will likely scare you. You probably woke up today wanting more. But something got in your way, didn’t it? Fear. It’s time to overcome fear and start controlling your own life.

Doing what needs to be done + last call

my cabin in the woods

If anyone else out there is feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just plain tired, don’t do like I did and wait until you’re so fried you can’t function. Take a few days off. And above all, listen to yourself! What’s the point of giving yourself great advice if you don’t take it?

What’s holding you back?

A guy climbs over a barbed wire fence.

Many people have told me they wish they could quit their jobs like I have. Most think it takes magic or special advantages to do that–not true! Here’s the real story on how I followed my dreams, and you can, too.

Big dreams and scary leaps: How I quit my job

triumphant girl

This is a story about dreaming big. This is a story about taking a chance and growing into the person you need to be to make things happen.

Why Denzel Washington told Penn grads to fail (and why we should, too)


“I had to come exactly because I might make a fool of myself,” said Washington. “I’ve found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks. Nothing.”

Productivity for procrastinators: how to focus

An elaborate to-do list

Know what you need to do but can’t make yourself get to work? Here’s how to beat procrastination, get things done, and start enjoying your work.

What’s worse than lizard brain, and how to keep it from holding you back

iguana chillin' in a tree

Some think fear comes from our lizard brain, but my lizard was intrepid, determined, and bold. I say fear comes from our second grade brain. Here’s what to do about it.