
Get rid of clutter, lose weight, improve relationships: Surprising lessons from car manufacturing

What does car manufacturing have to do with relationships? Perspective. If you feel a need to control every step to make everything go right, that’s a hindrance to life, peace, and, surprisingly, manufacturing. Needing to control also causes the need to hoard. If you need parts for your assembly line […]

The #1 stumbling block for smart people (and how everyone can avoid it)

A lot of people think intelligence, or innate talent, is responsible for success. It seems to make sense, right? But actually, that’s not quite true. It’s the people who keep growing that come up with the best ideas and are willing to take the risk of trying something new. There […]

The Happy Halloween Guide to having a sane Christmas

They’re at it already: it’s Halloween, sunny and 75 where I am, and this morning my newspaper was full of Christmas ads. I’m all in favor of the spirit of Christmas. Peace on earth, goodwill to man—bring it on, the more the better! But we all know that’s not the […]

Five simple steps to making your dreams come true

A few weeks back, I wrote a post about big dreams. Dreams are important—they can give us direction and hope, something to work toward. If you don’t know what you want to do, check out that post for a few suggestions on figuring it out. But dreams can only take […]

How to ditch your worst excuse and start getting things done

Do you have a hard time getting things done, or even started? Do you give yourself a lot of excuses for why? I do. It’s come to my attention that I have a lot of excuses for why I don’t/ won’t/ didn’t get something done, and they all come down […]

Cynicism and changing the world

Yesterday’s post generated some really great discussion about optimism. This is a subject with a lot of strong opinions! Most people wrote very thoughtful and interesting insights, but what struck me was the tone of scorn in a few of the pessimists’ comments, and the slight defensiveness in a few […]

How to become an optimist (and how to use pessimism to your advantage)

Apparently, at some point in my life, I “learned” that it’s safer to expect things to turn out badly. Then you’re always either right or pleasantly surprised, right? Well, yes, but that’s a bit limiting. The thing is, if you believe you can do something, you’re more likely to try […]

How to find your passion

Do you ever wonder what you’re really doing here on this planet, or more accurately, what you’re supposed to be doing? Do you envy the people who just seem to know, and are already doing what they’re clearly meant to do? There aren’t a lot, but they’re out there. They […]

Fighting The "Perfection" Disease

Way too many people are so busy being perfect-on-the-outside plastic shell people, we’re afraid to face the realities of our lives, let alone admit them to others. Here’s the thing: if you never let people see the real you, you can never have a deep relationship with anyone.