Today is the one-year anniversary of 17,000 Days! Woohoo! Thanks for coming along and making this one of the best years ever!
(If you’re wondering why the number of days left is only 16,463, it’s because I didn’t actually start writing anything for almost six months, ironically enough!)
If you haven’t been along for the whole ride, here are a few highlights and blasts from the past.
- Forget your to-do list; start a to-quit list!
- Can $75,000 Buy Happiness?
- Fighting the “perfection” disease
- How to find your passion
- How to become an optimist (and how to use pessimism to your advantage)
- Finding your purpose in life: could it be this simple?
- 10 Tips for getting out of your own way
- Wait, don’t jump out of the plane after all! (an alternate view on fear)
- Why Denzel Washington told Penn grads to fail (and why we should, too)
- Big dreams and scary leaps: how I quit my job
It’s been a wild year, and if you’d told me a year ago I’d be where I am now, I’d jump for joy (but then not really believe you).
I say this calls for celebration! I’ve decided to give away a copy of my Less Hassle, More Harmony Relationship Workshop. It’s a do-it-yourself workshop in a box, complete with 25 modules of the best information I’ve found for fixing a relationship and building love, peace, and ease, plus exercises for each module to guide you in applying the concepts in your own relationship.
Here’s how to get it
Go check it out: Less Hassle, More Harmony Relationship Workshop. Then leave a comment by the end of the day Friday, September 16, saying:
- what you think about the package
- how you think it would help you, and
- why you should be the one to win it.
I don’t want it to just sit on a shelf–I want to send it to someone who will use it to make a real difference in his or her life. I’ll pick the answer I find most compelling.
I’ll choose a winner on Saturday and contact him or her by email.
Please tweet or share to pass this along, especially if you know someone who really needs it!
Meanwhile, I’d like to leave you with this thought: Where do you want to be one year from today? What one tiny step can you take today to get closer to that?
I have an amazing partner who is very in touch with her needs and usually great about communicating what she needs! I, however, have difficulty recognizing what I need emotionally, and then communicating that. In fact, usually when I try to communicate an emotional need, I end up doing it in such a way that it makes my partner feel like she’s done something wrong — which is emotionally triggering for her!
Having your Less Work, More Harmony Relationship package would help me to identify ways to understand what I need for myself, and from my partner — and how to communicate those needs effectively. My partner & I are both great about being willing to change when we’ve identified a destructive behavior, but sometimes it can be difficult to identify those behaviors.
Not only would this package help our communication, it would also be a great benefit to my partner, who struggles with doing things just for herself. Your section on using selfishness to improve your relationship sounds like that is exactly what she needs — that wanting & doing things for herself can actually improve our relationship, not detract from it.
The package looks awesome and chock full of real, helpful advice. I’d be honored to be the chosen recipient to go through it with my partner!
Holy smokes, Cara! I’m still catching up on my backlog of reading from being on vacation last week and a half, and I can’t believe I’m so late on this one. CONGRATULATIONS!
It seems astonishing to me that you’ve only been around for a year, with everything I’ve seen you do. (My jaw is still sore from how far it dropped when I learned you were the guru behind the Only72 sale.) You continue to impress me with your ambition and (even rarer) your determination to actually make it happen. If you’ve gone this far in a year, I can’t begin to imagine where you’ll be by this time next year!
Congrats again!!
Thanks, Cordelia! It’s been crazy for sure. Here’s to another year of kicking butt and taking names! 🙂
I just want to say, I’ve read Cara’s Less Hassle, More Harmony Relationship Workshop and it’s AMAZING:)
You can definitely tell Cara has put in a lot of her hard work and effort into creating Less Hassle, More Harmony Relationship Workshop. Whoever got Less Hassle, More Harmony Relationship, they are a lucky S.O.B.
Thanks, Mika! I really did put my all into that–I’m glad it came through!