One of my friends posted this meme on Facebook last week:
After I laughed, I thought about it. What does it mean to be more or less single? Is that like being mostly dead or a little bit pregnant? How do you become more single? Am I more single than I was in 2015?
And… that’s all he did in 2016?
He obviously had a very different year than I did. Over the holidays, I did one of those year-end planning exercises, and it ended with the question: What one word would you use to summarize 2016?
One word came to my mind immediately: Fuuuuuuuck.
But the instructions for the exercise went on to say that, even if it was a challenging year, you should pick an empowering word. Whatever happened, it was ultimately for your good and made you grow, right? So I thought about it some more and decided that for me, the word for 2016 is Brave. I stretched, I grew, I traveled, I talked to people, I hosted webinars. I stopped hiding and let myself be seen. I set up and ran a whole retreat. Looking back, I’m really proud of myself for being so brave.
What was 2016 for you?
Once you’ve decided that, I also recommend choosing a word for 2017. Mine is Flow. In the past, I’ve done things with a lot of struggle. This year, my big thing is working in harmony with myself. “Build a business based on YOU” is a big theme with me lately in what I want to offer, and that’s because I spent so many years not doing that myself. I listened to gurus, did what they said, copied their ways, and ended up building pretty prisons for myself. No more of that. From now on, I’m building what works for me.
When you do that, it’s amazing how much less energy you have to waste struggling against yourself and trying to make yourself do stuff. If you just do what you’re good at and build something you like, motivation stops being a problem you have to solve. It becomes automatic.
When I wrote How to be Happy, I still had a day job, so I took a week off work and just wrote until I finished. Writing that book, I was the happiest I could be. That’s how I’ve written all of my books, and it’s also how I’ve built both of my online courses. And last week, I designed and created a whole parody magazine about my critical inner voices—just for fun! (Could I be a bigger nerd? lol)
I know I’m not the only one who loves to work this way. I’ve never heard anybody say, “This project would be perfect if we could just have it take a little longer, with more laundry and grocery shopping in between.”
When you want a result, you want it now, not six months from now, right?
That’s how I am, too. And that’s why I’m ridiculously excited to announce my new program: the Build Your Business Blitz. It’s going to be a two-weekend intensive where we throw out all the rules of regular life and focus all our attention on building the foundation you need to attract customers and build a business. We’ll spend four days executing like our hair is on fire, and we’ll FINISH!
At the end of the second weekend, you’ll have:
- A roadmap for how you’ll attract your future customers and start building relationships with them, based on your talents and skills and the way you like to work
- A clear picture of your unique position in the marketplace and who will be attracted to what you offer
- A plan for what you want to offer as your first product or service
- A free gift to offer new fans to start building relationships with them and plant the seeds for them to want your product or service
- A landing page to offer your free gift and welcome visitors into your community
- A system for communicating and building relationships so that you’re the first person your new fans think of when they’re ready to buy
This is exactly what you need (and nothing you don’t) to start attracting customers for your business, so that when you offer your first product or service, people will buy.
What’s more, you’ll have me by your side every step of the way. Guiding you. Giving you feedback and suggestions on your design and sales copy. Walking you through setting everything up. Cheering you on.
Just imagine having your business foundation finished and in place before the end of the month! Imagine what you can do with the rest of the year.
2017: the year of action.
The year of results. The year of FINISHING! The year you’ll always look back on as the start of all the success you’ll have to follow.
It all happens January 21-22 and 28-29. It’s going to be a lot of fun, and when you put the final touches on your business platform and announce that you’re finished, you’ll feel like a superhero.
Because I’ll be working so closely with you, there are only 6 spots. You can click here to get more details on the program, or if you know this is for you, click here to apply.
New Year’s Fast Action Bonus: If you sign up by Monday, January 9, at 11:59 pm Central time, I’ll get you started by setting up your website for you. This includes registering a domain name to you or your company, paying for hosting for a year, creating up to three email accounts on your domain, setting up WordPress, and installing plug-ins and a basic theme. If you’re not a tech person, this could save you many hours of headaches and frustration.
Whether you join us or not, I hope you’ll make 2017 your best year yet!