Terms & Conditions for Audience Now

The terms “we,” “us,” “our,” and “Company” refer to Fire Lizard Studios, LLC. The terms “you,” “your,” and “Client” refer to the purchaser of Audience Now. The term “the Program” refers to the Audience Now program.

Project Services

The plain Audience Now package does not include any services or technical support.

The Audience Now + Support package includes these services: building a custom landing page with your content on your systems; setting up automations to make your welcome email series (including your freebie(s)) go out to new subscribers automatically as they join your mailing list; connecting your landing page with your email series; and providing you with the link to your landing page so you can include it in your book. This package does not include creating freebies, writing sales copy, designing graphics, or hosting anything on our systems. We will do the setup using your content and your systems.

The Audience Now White Glove package includes creating your freebies; writing your email series; designing graphics to represent your freebies; building a custom landing page on your systems; setting up automations to make your welcome email series (including your freebie(s)) go out to new subscribers automatically as they join your mailing list; connecting your landing page with your email series; and providing you with the link to your landing page so you can include it in your book. This package does not include hosting. We will set everything up using your systems.

No other services are included.


You certify that you are an authorized user of the payment method you provide, and you agree not to dispute any charges made under the payment terms of your purchase. If you’ve chosen to pay by a payment plan, you agree to keep a valid method of payment on file for the duration of your payment plan.

You acknowledge that all payments for the Program are due, regardless of whether you complete the Program. If you don’t pay your payments when due, we may suspend your access to the Program and transfer your unpaid balances to a collections agency.

Independent Contractor Relationship

This agreement creates an independent contractor relationship and does not make us an employee, partner, agent, or joint venturer with you for any purpose. We will be responsible for filing and paying our own taxes; you will not be responsible for withholding taxes on our behalf or for providing employee benefits of any kind. 

Intellectual Property

All of the training materials we provide to you in the Audience Now e-course, whether or not they are eligible for copyright or other intellectual property right protection, are for your individual use only. All of our intellectual property is the sole property of Fire Lizard Studios, LLC. You acknowledge that nothing in this Agreement gives you a license to share, copy, distribute, trade, re-sell or otherwise exploit our materials for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial. 

For buyers of the Audience Now White Glove service, we will provide you with materials (“Deliverables”), to be used in connection with your business. All Deliverables provided by us under this Agreement and actually used by your for business shall be your intellectual property, so long as you pay all fees due under this Agreement. However, we retain the right to use or display such Deliverables in our portfolio of work, future educational publications, and in the marketing, advertising, or promotion of our services. If for any reason you do not feel comfortable with having your work included in our portfolio of work, it is your the duty to notify us. 

We may include in the work produced under this Agreement pre-existing work or materials owned by or licensed to us. If such work is used in the work produced you, such use shall constitute a license to use and distribute such materials. 

All Deliverables provided to, but not used by you, shall remain our intellectual property and cannot be used by you for any purpose. 

We are not responsible for trademark searches, trademark registration, copyright registration or any other service related to the protection of legal rights in the Deliverables. 

You hereby indemnify, save, and hold us harmless for any liabilities, damages, losses, costs, or expenses arising out of any claim, demand, or action by a third party alleging infringement arising out of your use of Deliverables we provide under this Agreement. 

Term and Termination

Upon purchase, you’ll have lifetime access to the training materials in the Audience Now e-course.

Services purchased under the “Audience Now White Glove” or “Audience Now + Support” programs may be used any time within six months after the date of purchase. After six months, these packages will expire and no refunds will be issued.

For the Services, you agree to provide, in a timely manner, all tools, information, and documentation that we request in order to complete your project. Delays in receiving materials, feedback, and/or information from you will result in delayed work and later completion of the project. Furthermore, if you don’t send us the materials and information we need to complete the work and we don’t hear from you for two weeks, the project will automatically terminate, and no refunds will be issued.

You acknowledge that we are not responsible for any decisions you make as a result of the Program, or for any consequences of those decisions. The Program will include training materials, which are for educational purposes only and do not constitute psychological, medical, legal, financial, or tax advice. 

Fire Lizard Studios, LLC, expressly disclaims the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. 

Limitation of Liability

Neither party assumes liability to the other party for lost profits, loss of use, business interruption, or any other types of damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential. In no event shall either party’s liability exceed the fees paid under this agreement.

Disputes, Controversies, or Claims

We both agree to make a good faith attempt to resolve any disputes between us, seeking mediation if necessary. Should mediation fail, we agree that the exclusive venue for any unresolved dispute is an appropriate court located within Madison County, Alabama. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Madison County, Alabama, without regard to its choice-of-law or conflict-of-law provisions. 

In the event of any dispute between us, we agree that we will not engage in any conduct or communications, public or private, designed to disparage each other. 

General Terms & Conditions Included by Reference

In agreeing to these program-specific Terms & Conditions, you also agree to the general Terms & Conditions located at https://17000-days.com/terms-and-conditions/