New Ebook: How to be Happy (No Fairy Dust or Moonbeams Required)


I have some super-exciting news: the ebook I’ve been working on since November is finally finished! Today is the big day when I get to share it with all of you.

Do you wish you could enjoy life more? Do you feel like something is missing, like there has to be more to life? At the same time, do you feel guilty for being dissatisfied when you could have it much worse?

You need to know this stuff!

  • The roots of unhappiness and 6 common mistakes people make when seeking happiness
  • The mechanics of happiness and how it really works
  • 10 faulty assumptions that may be holding you back
  • How to let go of old memories, thoughts, and beliefs that stand in your way
  • 10 tools you can use to create genuine happiness now
  • How to build purpose and meaning into your life (no religion necessary)
  • How to go from stressed out to chilled out
  • How to feel great and enjoy life on an everyday basis

This book will tell you how you can be truly, genuinely happy on a daily basis. I’ve gathered the best from academic research, books, and my own experience to create this simple yet comprehensive happiness guide, and it’s yours free.

You can build the life you want and be happy. It’s not a trick or a scam, it’s not a bunch of silly nonsense you tell yourself and try to believe, and it’s not outside your power. It’s real, and it’s a gift you can give yourself. Get this book and make it happen.



If you’re already signed up for the newsletter, you should have a copy in your mailbox waiting for you.

Please share

If you enjoy the book, please pass it on. Twitter, Facebook, email, blog, carrier pigeon, whatever! Let’s spread the word and help more people be happy!

Meanwhile, I somehow lost my mind and decided that just launching a book wasn’t enough, so I also took a dare in attempt to conquer my fear of video and public humiliation. (Is that redundant? Probably.)

Update: The book is now available on Amazon, so there’s no need to bind your own. You can get it here.

I do a little demonstration of how to bind the print version of the ebook, which I’m really psyched about. Ebooks are great, but to me, there is just something about having a paper version with pages you can turn.

The binding is super simple and would not have made such a long video if I knew what I was doing. It really does take ten minutes; the video shows almost the entire process real-time, which is a bit excessive in retrospect.

Lessons learned from my very first brush with YouTube:

  • Like everything else, it’s not as scary as it seems before you try it.
  • Try out tiny snippets of video first, don’t just shoot the whole thing before you lose your nerve.
  • If you flip the camera sideways, you’re going to have to figure out how to rotate the video back later. Duh. (I did that so you could see my head when I introduce myself but also see what I’m doing.)
  • Don’t mumble!
  • Seven minutes of video can take half an hour to process on a brand new computer! (This is why I didn’t just start over. Overall, I spent about two hours waiting for the video to be processed by various things, between rotating and getting it into a reasonable format.)
  • Take a hint from cooking shows: do more prep in advance so you can skip the repetitive stuff and cover everything in far less time.

Overall, I don’t think I’ll be making a big transition to video posts any time soon! And I have to apologize for the horrible audio. But it was a good chance to conquer a fear and step outside the comfort zone, so I think it was worth doing.

Note: In care you’re worried, I do include a one-page set of instructions with the complete package, so you don’t have to watch the video to learn how to do the binding. Phew!

13 thoughts on “New Ebook: How to be Happy (No Fairy Dust or Moonbeams Required)”

  1. Hi, I like your ebook, having just finsished reading ‘The Happy Economist’ by Ross Gittins yesterday.

    I noticed a lot of the content in your book is the same, yet you haven’t referenced his work?

    I am a huge proponent of the happiness movement. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks, Jo! I’m glad you liked the book! I’ve never read ‘The Happy Economist’–I’ll have to check that out. Thank you!

  2. Downloaded this and plan to check it out over the weekend. Looking forward to it and will give you some feedback next week πŸ™‚ Have a great weekend!

  3. Hi Cara, I’ve been a ‘little busy’ of late, so haven’t been able to visit as regularly as usual, hopefully things will even out soon, however, I’ve just downloaded your e-book to read later!

    Congratulations on getting it finished, and really good luck with it! I look forward to reading it!


  4. Hi Cara, your ebook is great! Nice job! One of my favorite sections was on being your own best friend. I’m going to keep that in mind, to counter the Critical Me that sometimes surfaces and tries to suck me under.

    Thanks so much for all of your thoughts and insights on happiness…may yours continue to grow! πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks! I’m so glad you liked it!

      A lot of people think if they’re nice to themselves, they’ll just be lazy and never amount to anything–I think that’s the big fear I had about being my own best friend. But in the immortal words of Social Distortion, “wherever I have gone, I was sure to find myself there.” Might as well make myself someone nice to hang out with! πŸ™‚

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